Download the latest version to the server machine.
Update Windows Desktop computers used as Server and standard Windows Server Next click on Add-Ins and “Uninstall Lights-Out”.
To update a Mac OS X client, open Windows Launchpad, wait for the detection of a new version, then restart Launchpad.
If you do not see the latest version after waiting some minutes, go to Applications, select Lights-Out and click on “Install the add-in on network computers”.
Select tab Computers in Lights-Out and verify that all Windows Computers have updated to the latest version:.
Open Dashboard again, go to Lights-Out and verify that your are running the latest version:.
Important: Select “On the server and on all computers on the network”: Double click on the downloaded *.wssx file and follow the wizard.
Close Dashboard! This step is necessary to prevent a server reboot because of locked files.
In Dashboard, click on tab Application, then right click Lights-Out and remove the add-in:.
Open Dashboard and verify that all clients are online.
To update to the latest version, please follow these easy steps: Update Window Home Server 2011 and all Windows Server Essentials editions
Windows Desktops used as Server and standard Windows Server.
Windows Home Server and Windows Server Essentials.
More details can be found in the release notes. We also added official support for Windows Server 2016 Essentials Technical Preview 3 and Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). This is primarily a bug fix update which fixes some Windows 10 issues. Lights-Out 1.6.1 has been released today.